Life Hacks from Yashica — Personal Mastery Secrets for Women — Yashica's Intuition

I have slots available for 1:1 private coaching. Coaching is perfect for you if you’ve tried to make changes,gain a sense of direction, and take action steps but fall flat or need help—> Book a free consultation!

Yashica's Intuition

Life Hacks from Yashica

Weekly Horoscope for June 10-16, 2019

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment
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This week has some drama scattered in along with some positive opportunities for you to dive in and experience growth and fortune. Let’s Dive in shall we!

The unfortunate part for this week is that if you have been all in your feels or been interacting with people that have been acting extra or emotional, that is not going to change. You and others around you are still experiencing life thru the lens of the emotions rather than logic. That can be positive or negative. Because you are more apt to act on emotional triggers, that can be beneficial for your dreams, divinely inspired projects, and romantic pursuits. You could be open to trying new things that could open the door to fortunate experiences for you.

I’m sure you are well aware of how letting emotions overtake you in a negative way can impact your life. When you aren’t using your good senses, your discernment, you can tend to get carried away in your emotions and act in ways that are uncharacteristic for you.

I know every time I talk to you I probably sound like a broken record but I told you this energy would be persistent, balance will be the key. You are going to continue to have to toe the line and be open to shedding the old all while creating a new and stable foundation for yourself. Something that is built on you aligning more with something that is your purpose or calling in life. This is not a small task so hang in there and don’t give up.

If you are feeling stuck, connecting with a trusted advisor could be beneficial for you. If you feel like you are too shy or embarrassed to talk to someone or look for help thinking you got this, I encourage you to listen to my latest podcast episode on why I think sometimes you should be open to speaking to others about your journey and goals. This opening up could be beneficial for you.

If you aren’t hearing any of that, at least check things with your internal compass because you may find a unique thing or piece of information that aligns with you and helps you in some way. These things/information tidbits will be very helpful for you so don’t get sloppy this week. Show up! You have the power and support that you need in some way to make the changes that you need to make. Are you going to take it? Inspirational messages and more are going to open up something expansive and optimistic for you in some area of your life but you have to stop living on autopilot and show the F up!

Know that anything that is worth fighting for is not going to happen in a day or a week either… excellence and growth comes from months of vision and persistence and action. If you missed the live lesson I did inside of my new facebook group, make sure you join so that you don’t miss all the awesomeness going on in my amazing community. The replay is up if you want to catch it…

Anyway, I also want you to keep some time open in your schedule to intentionally tap into positive energy thru manifestation techniques. If you feel an urge to act on anything instinctive this week, do so if and only if you have checked that thing to see if it is in alignment with your values, goals, and ethics. You can’t ask others or look outside of yourself. They have their own stuff going on. Plus they will think that whatever you are thinking may be a little too strange. I think if you weigh all options, it may be OK to take a calculated risk and that risk may pay off so be open to things that may seem a little silly or out of character for you and know that you are doing things for you right now… not anyone else. Outside of consulting with a safe and supportive advisor and, of course, God…. do what’s right for you.

Emotions, like I said, are strongly influencing you ,so again, I ain’t taking the blame for no foolishness, use your common sense.

You may notice inner tension or tension connected to your relationships with other people this week, especially if you have been unwilling to examine deeper issues that have been prohibiting growth and a higher sense of purpose inside of yourself and in your relationships with others. This is your chance to course correct, if you are brave enough, because the new, fresh perspectives that are coming in can lead the way to more positive, forward movement. Don’t be afraid to shake something up that needs to be shooken (Is that even a word?…. I’m rolling with it). Just please don’t be impulsive.

This week, you can also find yourself fighting with issues related to trust, power, control and other shadow energies to process. This is happening because you are being given the opportunity to see things with fresh eyes and shift. You need to allow this because it will lend itself to some powerful insights to help you transform and rebuild yourself in a way that is more powerful. Let yourself be inspired.

You get to work thru some deep shit right now (yay) and get an opportunity to get in touch with yourself and get acquainted and comfortable with who you are . Powerful emotions and intuition can drive you into powerful actions to give your rebirth fuel. Allow things to continue to change and transform and grow and expand. Be open and flexible. The universe is pointing you to a new and powerful truth. Allow.

Opposition and resistance will still be there this week and I feel like it is trying to tempt you to stay in your comfort zone because that feels easy right. But you will stay there stuck and scared and lacking belief in yourself. Your value and self worth will continue to feel like a struggle inside of you. You won’t know what’s true and it won’t get better. No matter how much you don’t think things can change or how many times you may have tried and failed in the past, even if you don’t know what the hell is true or solid anymore, you must move forward and trust the process. You will feel like you don’t have the resources you need to create what you desire but with some mindset shifts and breakthroughs, if you seriously invest in yourself and your growth, there is help there that will assist you to step into a new way mentally.

The week closes with Father’s Day and it is not as blissful as Mother’s Day was. Sorry Dads. Family issues could surface or your Dad may be acting like an ass or issues from the past may come up. Family triggers could be irritated so in order to make this day feel positive, you may have to dig in deep and find your positive attitude. There may be some extra effort expended around compromising and trying to stay light and fun and trying not to let any triggers carry you away.

So as I close out your advice for the week. Show up and let yourself be inspired!

Until Next Time,


I have a powerful investment opportunity for you. This is a chance for you to make big and lasting changes in your life. There are pressures inside of you as well as life’s pressures that could be making you feel unhappy and stuck. You may feel frustrated in life because you may feel like you have tried in the past to move forward on something but felt disappointed when you didn’t and may be at the point where you want to give up or have given up. I want you to listen. You can do this. You can change, you can move past issues and you can live a life where you don’t have to deal with you life the way it currently stands. If you are ready to change and you need help I have something that can help you. I have opened up 1:1 coaching because I know sometimes, you may run into issues you may not be able to solve on your own. If you have never considered coaching,you may be missing out. My sessions provide you with a place to talk about your problems in private and have me work with you to come up with solutions to your problems that will allow you to have the confidence and the knowledge that you need to move forward. If this sounds like something that could help you. I have made it so easy for you so there are no excuses. The methods I use are proven, you don’t have to purchase expensive packages, and there is follow up support INCLUDED in your coaching session so you are not alone, I will check in on you after our initial session to make sure you are succeeding. You have no excuses not to choose yourself.

New Moon in Gemini Live Replay

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment

In this video I will address what I see regarding the New Moon in Gemini we just had this morning, June 3, 2019.

Although I feel it will impact us in a deep or emotional way and could feel a little heavy, there are new beginnings coming, they may not make sense yet.

Listen to the video to learn why I say that and to learn what you can do about it.

As I mentioned in the video, It is never too late to invest in yourself and end the year off strong. Sure, sometimes doubt gets in the way. Or maybe you have tried before at something and failed and so you have this fear that you will never succeed.…

As I mentioned in the video, It is never too late to invest in yourself and end the year off strong. Sure, sometimes doubt gets in the way. Or maybe you have tried before at something and failed and so you have this fear that you will never succeed. Have you tried a coach yet? I have 1:1 sessions available for you where we can collaborate and help you get back on track. For this small investment in yourself, you could gain a lifetime of clarity. I have them broken down into one session so there is no commitment or big expensive packages to purchase and you even get a bonus personal spiritual message that you can play over and over when you need an encouraging message or a boost. I would encourage you to look into this if you are struggling to find success on your own.

Weekly Horoscope for June 3-9, 2019

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumpton
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We kick off the week with the New Moon in Gemini. I will be streaming live on my instagram June 3 at noon CST. Make sure you follow me over there and check notifications. I am going to possibly attempt dual streaming to my Facebook page, but I can’t make promises so Instagram will be the main platform and I will be discussing the new moon at that time.

Interestingly, to me, this New Moon in Gemini looks like it would feel like a full moon to you. I guess that makes sense since if something begins, something also must end…. I’m gonna just say that there’s a kinda full moonish feeling for you. It’s like you are moving closer to what you need to move forward and gain new understanding. There is this almost constant analyzing of situations, people, and yourself in order to decide what deserves a permanent space in your life.

Your mind and soul are changing to help you align with something better that is a more positive match for you. What do you keep? What do you change? What do you need to learn to grow and mature and expand… to keep stepping into your truth? There is definitely a deep restructuring going on.

This mental/internal shape shifting, I feel, will be a theme for you at least until the eclipses in July, so hang tight. Depending on how this energy for the week impacts you, you could experience feeling like your logical, rational side and your intuition are working in synchronicity or it could feel like things change so much you feel like you have developed a touch of ADHD or rapid mood swings (if you are prone to these things, pay special attention). It’s going to be up to you on how this plays out.

You could act out of character and create issues for yourself but what I would encourage you to do is to continue to internally process what is coming up for you as I advised last week. That is where your insight and answers are going to come from. Inside of you! I know it’s annoying when you hear people say that shit, but it’s true. There is an opportunity to find safety and security in some way. Again, you may notice this internally or externally and I think it will be something positive and in the area of core emotions or home and family. There may be some family issues or deep emotional issues that trigger you to work on healing them.

Equally as confusing, you may also find that home or family is a place of solace, protection, or downright irritation. For the most part, everything will work itself out but there may be a sense of coming up on long standing foundations and issues that stem from these sources. What you may particularly discover is that some of the things that have been limiting you and holding you back are linked to these areas. Try not to retreat or do things to escape (too much wine…. overeating…) if you find this energy to be impacting you in a negative way.

Because you are still trying to work through things without fully understanding them or without having all the pieces of the puzzle, this is a time where you may be prone to acting too fast or letting your guard down…. DON’T. Also, since other people are just as confused or triggered as you might be, be patient with them and allow them space to process their own shit without trying to influence or manipulate them.

When among people that are healthy for you and feel like family, you’ll feel safe and secure. This could, again, cause you to lower your guard. In a trusted environment, this may not be as bad, but you could be encouraged to do things that don’t serve your highest and best good or go against your better judgement. This seems like a time where you really want things to be positive and you want to feel good so you will do almost anything to make that happen.

Another area of tension this week is related to giving and getting…. give and take…. in some area of your life. Are you giving to someone or something in your life because you genuinely want to give? Or are you you consciously or subconsciously doing it to gain something in return?

Close to Friday, there is some good energy for you to take advantage of in relation to flashes of insight or strokes of genius and using this new information to create something of value for yourself. This may come from friends or family and while the information, when it initially comes in, may strike you suddenly or have you taken aback, it will be exactly what you need for your highest and best good. This could even be something that is a catalyst for positivity in love or creativity. It is a very fertile energy for new things. I would encourage you to try and be out and about and to be willing to come out of your shell a little bit. Have some fun and let your hair down without getting too irresponsible. Be willing to be flexible and let your heart be generous and authentic and you will find that this serves you well. It will be very expansive for you.

As the weekend unfolds, you may feel like chilling and taking it easy. I think this is a good thing for relationships. In a solid partnership, this is a time to just chill with each other. If your relationship is more questionable, you may experience issues.

Because you feel like letting the seriousness of the world fade away and you feel like letting go a little bit… letting loose, watch for allowing behaviors that aren’t in alignment with your values or ethics. As the Moon moves into Virgo, you can expect energy to shift into a focus on detoxification and refinement, particularly of trying to find a place for all the information swirling inside your head. What is useful? What is bullshit? This energy can have you all up in your head but I think it will ultimately be positive for you to further work through deep emotional bonds that keep you from being your best but watch the hypercritical slant on this energy. Your mind is mentally stimulated but try not to let yourself go into information overload without giving yourself time to process what is coming in. Especially because I sense that you will be searching for meaning and information all over the place and outside of yourself to gain understanding.

If family members need help (not co-dependent stuff), this is a great time to be there for them and show up for them. It will give you a renewed sense of connection and purpose. The energy is very empathic though, so watch out for that as it could leave you uneasy but in actuality, you are picking up on someone else’s energy.

Pay attention to your energy and others, and overall, try to end the week on a nice, light, and easy note.

Until Next Time,


Before I let you go, I want to let you know (or remind you) that I have started a private Facebook group. I will be holding an exclusive mid-year goal setting masterclass in the group for the month of June (there are monthly masterclasses planned that you can only access Live in the group).

Click the picture below to learn more!

How to Heal Your Life Part 2: Learn What's Blocking Your Relationships

Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment

This Part 2 of a 3 part series where I will be speaking with you about how to heal your life and the 6 key areas to work on to heal and live the life of your dreams.

In this video, I wanted to go deep with you and do some teaching. One area that I help clients with that is a big stressor for them is relationships. I want to teach you some common things that may be getting in the way of you having a fulfilling relationship. I have a video for you but I also have an MP3 for those of you that would rather download the audio lesson and listen to it later. I also have a FREE mini e-book that you can download if you are short on time and are unable to take notes.

To take charge of your life and start to transform the things that leave you confused, scared, paralyzed by fear, and depressed because you don’t believe in yourself is not out of your reach. You can gain priceless information and tools that you can use for the rest of your life to Kickstart you on your path to the life that you want!

Here is an MP3 that you can download and listen to if you prefer that

How to Heal Your Life Part 2: Learn What's Blocking Your Relationships
Yashica of Yashica's Intuition

“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”– Bob Proctor

Stay tuned for Video # 3

in Video #3, We will be discussing the solution! The exciting part. The true opportunity to be able to change your life FOREVER!



P.S. If you would like access to the show notes. Follow the link below to gain access to your totally free download that has all this information in an easy to digest format for you.

3 Simple Tips to Help you Make Better Decisions

Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment

In this video, I am re-caping an IG Live I just did where I spoke about making better decisions. There are 3 actionable steps you can use to help you make decisions more effectively. I also did an earlier blog post here in case you want more info.

I mentioned journal prompts in the video and I have a link where you can download a totally free workbook to use as your journal. I have broken it all down and included all the questions I mentioned during the journaling portion of the video. This journal prompt worksheet will make it easier for you to get started.

Also, to make sure you receive this powerful and transformational series that I mentioned in the video, make sure to sign up for your free Healing book

How to Use Your Intuition

energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumpton

If you would like to learn more. I have a video about how to hear your intuition in case you have lost what it sounds like. I also have an amazon book on intuition.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Feeling Stuck In Life? - Watch My IG Live Replay

Life Hacks from Yashica, tarot readingsyashica crumpton

If you would like your own personalized reading to sort thru your personal confusion and blocks, I have slots for personalized tarot readings.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

Sun Conjunct Pluto Life Changing Weekend- January 11, 2019 thru January 13, 2019

Astrology Reports, energy healing info, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment

On the weekend of January 11-13 the divine energies in the sky will dance with each other to create some powerful energy for you!

So we just had an impactful solar eclipse new moon to kick off the new year in Capricorn. You walked into 2018 with powerful Capricorn energy as well. I will, once again, link some of the articles that I wrote and videos that I did to help teach you what to expect since some of you are new here… welcome by the way! Check out Saturn in Capricorn article and these videos #1, #2, #3, and #4.

Let’s now talk about how powerful this weekend is and how it could have an impact on you.


This energy all kicked off very early in the morning on January 11th. When the Sun and Pluto met in the sky, it brings with it an initial period of increased power where you may feel like you are shook to your core to create something powerful for yourself or you may feel like creating something lasting and tangible in your life. Don’t get all crazy and overly optimistic but don’t be a pooper either….. I will talk more about this later. So this energy is powerful and life changing and sometimes we are able to jump in and embrace it but we could also fall victim to self-sabotage. Something in your life may not be the same, including relationships, so look at who you have around you and do what you need to do to to have a supportive and inspiring group of people around you and give no attention to those that don’t.

There is some secret or intuitive information that will be revealed. This is happening to give you more clarity and insight and show you the truth and the way. This assists you you in upleveling and working hard on positive transformation and soul evolution. While I am pumped at what 2019 will bring, I am more excited because with Capricorn involved….. this is something more substantial and something more lasting.

There is this interesting thing that can happen though… where the eclipse can make fated changes that your human self may not have the strength to make, this energy seems, to me, to require an action or choice on your part. You aren’t going to have a different life by being the same person reacting to life the same way, and this seems to be the key here. You will have to DO something to help capitalize on this divinely inspired energy. Because Pisces is involved, I absolutely believe that the core of it all is evolution, spiritual growth and awakening, creativity/manifestation to give birth to something divine (with your intuition being able to lead you the correct way), romantic connection on a soul level, and some deep healing. You can progress and break ties that tear down old structures and create new structures. You can tap into a powerful cosmic energy that you can work with and manipulate to create a totally new life for yourself. You are one with the cosmic womb!

So that’s this wonderful powerful energy you have at your disposal…..

There are always other sides to be aware of. Before I mention this, I want to let you know that I see a supportive energy to help you with this life changing energy so don’t ever feel like you are alone. I do want you to know what it feels like though. Deep changes and transformation can bring with it feelings of deeper emotions, wounds, and other things that may not feel so nice. You have to understand that if you can take the first step, even if it seems really hard or daunting to do so, you will be rewarded with a relationship with deeper parts of yourself or with attaining your higher dreams and aspirations. You will not be able to move to your highest potential if you are not willing to do this. Feel inspired by struggles and don’t let them weigh so heavily on you. Rome was not built in a day and nor was it destroyed.

The other thing that I need you to be aware of are feelings of self doubt, second guessing and mistrusting yourself, not listening to your instinct, or other internal conflicts. Moodiness is absolutely possible, especially if you haven’t been nurturing yourself or others. I would encourage you that as you are going thru this growth that begins internally before it manifests outwardly… to nurture yourself and stay in a nice healing space that you create for yourself. If you choose to exhibit this energy outwardly, you may create unnecessary conflict in your life.

Don’t let this shadow energy take over you. Don’t give up. TRUST! Pull up your sleeves and get to work on your dreams and self improvement because in order for this to work optimally, you must focus your energy and concentration on the tasks or areas that are going to support goal achievement and manifestation. Be realistic trust Saturn because he is helping you see that being inspired and taking massive action is one thing but being foolishly optimistic is another. There may be a bubble burst moment or a test that will show you just how much you will need to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground in order to obtain the next level of success. Now that I am telling you about it, expect it, but don’t let it deter you! Don’t fall into self destructive or emotional behaviors. Embrace the challenges, tests, or revelations because they will orient you towards long term growth.

Lastly, if you have been ignoring shit, STOP IT and give your issues or problems conscious efforts in order to transcend and excel.

Before I let you go, one way that has helped me transform my life was thru the use of tarot. I want you to feel just as empowered and inspired as I was when I was going thru hardships in my life and used tarot to pull me out. I am offering a FREE Live Online workshop for those of you that would like to learn how tarot can be a tool to help you as it helped me. To grab your limited spot, sign up here.


  • This energy could also feel so strong that you may want to run away and escape. Suicide, depression, drug abuse, and obsessive compulsive behaviors could result so please watch out. Get the healing you need. Don’t fight the things you know you need to see or need to change. Stope being overly optimistic or pretending like everything is OK if it’s not…. things will only get worse and escapism is not the answer. Retreating a bit to look into deeper issues with family, sense of self, old patterns is ok. Clamming up is not.

  • What are the things that you want for yourself? Your legacy? Plan that out then get to work.

  • 2019 and beyond could be your year, but not if you haven’t shifted anything in your life…. What do you need to shift?

  • Attend my Free Tarot class.

  • Have patience…. if you trust and believe, hold that image. This is the activation of something, not the culmination.

  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of Jessica Wright from

Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn January 5, 2019

Astrology Reports, Life Hacks from Yashicayashica crumptonComment

On January 5 at approx 728pm CST we have a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn

You will have a powerful solar eclipse new moon to kick off the new year in Capricorn. You walked into 2018 with powerful Capricorn energy. I taught you about it in the Saturn in Capricorn article and these videos #1, #2, #3, and #4.

This year is no different. We are going hard with the powerful Capricorn energy and if you read the January horoscopes, you will learn a bit about how this will effect your first month in the new year.

I want to take this time, though, to let you know a bit about how this energy may specifically impact you being that it is a new moon.


This new moon is attached to great possibilities that may come via the mind or some good news you received. It could come from external sources of possibly from divine inspiration and intuition. Your left and right brain are operating at an all time high. There is still a hint of self-doubt and other insecure energy, but I think you can muster up the strength to put that aside. You are firing on all cylinders and able to see things much more clearly than you have in a long time. Although that can make you feel down about shoulda couldas, this energy is ultimately positive. From this contemplation, which could be emotional, you are able to formulate your intentions and get ready for the new moon even if you feel anxious and frustrated that you can’t manifest your end goal without all this damn work that Capricorn requires.

I think that as a whole, even though it may wax and wane or not be consistent, there is an opportunity to see things in a more beautiful, positive light and have a strong connection to spiritual energy, to God, and have a deep intimate connection and feel at one in your own skin. Romance, creativity, spirituality are all favored. Although there may be an underlying sadness or guilt for what was or what is, I would love it if you could realize the potential of what could be. Have the courage to jump in and do the work because if you examine the past and learn from it, this time in 2019…. it could be different… it could be better. How can you dream big again for your desires and what can you DO to make sure, no matter what, you DON’T give up…. you DON’T stop?

There is a spotlight here and you may have received a glimpse of what you life could be at the beginning of last year even if it was just a glimpse. You may not feel confident or desire for moments on your journey to be more exciting and there are ways to do that… appearance, sex, decorating….. your long term goals are not necessarily the vehicle where you want to compromise your long term goals for the sake of experimentation that is too far out there when Saturn is involved.

You have subconscious feelings and inner knowledge that may make you obsessive so watch that as well. You would do well looking at yourself and the parts of yourself that you can heal that self sabotage your success. Especially when you decide you want to be in a hurry instead of realizing and respecting that true building of a legacy takes time, effort, and a little blood sweat and tears. Venus is reaching down to give you a hug though, so although this could feel like an emotionally trying process, you may realize that you have been through the pain and are ready to have love, success, and establishment the right way and at all costs.

*** Bonus for Lovers***

This is a beautiful and very positive energy for relationships. You will be feeling comfortable and sexy in your own skin. Everyone will have on rose colored glasses and more prone to see the beauty in everything. If you want to plan something sexy and intimate with your soul mate, this is a great time to do so. You may even pull out all stops in the bedroom because you may be bored with the status quo and up for some experimentation. If you are not in a relationship, going out this weekend to places you wouldn’t normally circulate would be good for you. You are feeling confident and playful and are open and willing to give someone a chance you normally would give the side eye. The good thing is no matter if you are attached or single, this sexy and optimistic energy all collides in the sign of Capricorn and that promises that you could deepen existing bonds with someone that you care about or meet someone new that you could build a serious future with.


  • This is a good time to contemplate starting or growing that side hustle that you have always dreamed of growing. If you are serious about it and really put in the work, you have energy in your favor to help you build something long-lasting.

  • Journal and spend this time in quiet reflection. You may be working thru some dark feelings even if this is a new moon but if you don’t get stuck there, the optimism and positivity has the potential to outshine all that darkness.

  • Because the energy is so close to the divine, your creative energy is at an all time high and something you may create could have the potential to propel you closer to a goal. Make time for this.

  • Keep your big dreams private but make sure to dream big. Write it down…. make it happen. Right now the energy in the cosmos makes it easier to turn your dreams into a reality.

  • Have patience…. if you trust and believe, hold that image. This is the activation of something, not the culmination.

  • Get a reading. That one is just self explanatory. Even a short, sweet 10 minute reading is enough to gain some clarity, get unstuck, and have information to get you moving in the right direction.




Yashica is a  focused on sharing information and guidancto help you move past blocks and other issues that prevent you from living your happiest and best life. On the blog, you will find a variety of topics that will help you succeed in life such as; horoscopes, astrology reports, free tarot readings, advice podcasts, life advice, videos, and much more. Yashica's Intuition also provides life coaching, life consulting, & tarot readings. The mission, by providing these resources and information, is to help you learn how to use all information and tools at your disposal to stop living in negative patterns and start living your true life purpose. I no longer have physical locations due to relocation but work with clients virtually

image courtesy of

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